Ruben Gutzat


Inside In

In “Inside IN” I am out! The pictures are taken from people inside. For us consume spoiled westerners it is hard to imagine that a big portion of people actually cannot afford a camera or a smart phone or any other way to visually share experiences. And it might well be that especially these people have the most extraordinary, adventurous and enthralling stories to tell. For these reasons I started “Inside In”. Inside In wishes to distribute single use cameras to the poorest on a global scale, enabling them to document what matters to them, what they wish to show, or of what they whish to have prints from. As a start and with help of the great organization of the “German doctors eV” I distributed single use cameras to people living in the mountains of Mindanao (Philippines), organized the downstream work and will send back the prints to the respective villages. Please enjoy the unique visions of photographers who never held a camera before!